Ultima Wiki

Red the demon cat

Red was the primary antagonist of All Dogs Go To Heaven 2. He is a powerful cat demon who recruited Carface in his plan to use the magical Horn Of Gabriel to literally pull all the dogs (and quite possibly every other animal species if he got the chance) from Heaven and imprison them in an island prison and transport them into Hell, thereby damning every single species in the world

To this end, he tricked Carface's old nemesis Charlie into aiding him via creating magical-collars and forcing him into a deal. This climaxed in the demon managing to actually get the horn and he began to imprison the inhabitants of Heaven and growing into a monster of seemingly apocalyptic proportions, causing the sea itself to start to rise around the island in a massive whirlpool.

However, Charlie and his friends decide to fight back, resulting in a battle that ended with Charlie blowing the horn, reversing the evil spell. Red, who had already been weakened by the battle, was ultimately dragged back to Hell to face punishment for his failure.

In Ultima, Maleficent has managed to use the powers of Hell to bring back Red from his imprisonment, and recruit him to the Organization, but also taking a fraction of his power so that he wouldn't attempt to try and take over the Organization. Currently, Red is the Harbingers's elite spy and spellcaster, working for Loki with much resent.
